Sunday, March 2, 2014

Stapled: A revolutionary way to archive and share your documents

DouWere, s.p.r.l. introduces Stapled 1.0, the first public version of an original utility for Mac OS X. Stapled lets anyone you share their artistic creations in their best quality, at locations previously reserved to photographs. Any plain document can be morphed into a picture document, and consequently, handled and stored as an image file can be. The original document has been "stapled" with the picture. Wherever you put this picture, you also put the original document.

Plainevaux, Belgium - DouWere, s.p.r.l. is pround to announce the availability of Stapled 1.0, the first public version of an original utility letting you share your artistic creations in their best quality, at locations previously reserved to photographs. Any plain document can be morphed into a picture document, and, consequently, handled and stored as an image file can be.

Open any document with the application: it creates a new document - litterally a picture - rendering a preview of the original document... but a somewhat special picture, that also embeds the original document, at its full quality. Wherever you put this picture, you also put the original document. The original document has been "stapled" with the picture (hence the staple, drawn on the picture).

When you re-open a picture created by Stapled (or a copy of it) into the application, it will magically re-create the original document! The original document has been "unstapled" from the picture. Practically, using Stapled, you can, among others:

* Share your pictures in full quality (.raw pictures)
* Share your document in native format (.svg, .pdf, .psd documents)
* Store and retrieve your archived files visually (.doc, .xls; .ppt files)
* Synchronise documents across OS X devices automatically
* Fill your free terabyte of storage with backups
* Safely transmit "special" files by mail
* Make nice mails, attaching previews of your documents
* Embed your documents directly in your website

The documents generated by the Stapled utility are full featured pictures (in the .png format) embedding the original documents. Original documents could always be re-created by just opening the pictures generated by the application (the "attached" pictures) with the same application or using our anonymous and free web service, available at DouWere online in case you need to get back original documents but have no access to the standalone utility.

System Requirements:
* OS X 10.7 or later
* 64-bit processor
* 3.9 MB

Pricing and Availability:
Stapled 1.0 is Free (and will always be) and available worldwide through the Mac App Store in the Utilities category. To avoid the manual renaming of the generated files (they are, by default, only named "Stapled DEMO"), you can unlock the product. The unlocked application will create its files with the same names as the original documents, postfixed with "-stapled." This purchase is triggered by clicking the lock, in the top right of the main window (or by choosing "Unlock..." from the application menu). You only need to make the purchase once, and it will be available on all your devices. The payment is secured and handled by Apple, thru the Mac App Store.

Stapled 1.0:
Download from Mac App Store:
Stapled Help:
App Icon:

Located in Plainevaux, Belgium, DouWere was founded in 1991 by Frederic Blondiau. DouWere is mainly active on the Apple platforms (Mac OS and iOS). The combination of a deep toolbox knowledge and of a strong UNIX expertise lets DouWere build programs and specific tools, based on open standards, for the professionals looking for simple and efficient solutions in networking and interface related cases. All Material and Software (C) Copyright 1991-2014 DouWere. All Rights Reserved. Apple, the Apple logo, Macintosh, and Mac OS X are registered trademarks of Apple Inc. in the U.S. and/or other countries. Other trademarks and registered trademarks may be the property of their respective owners.


Frederic Blondiau

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